Monday, November 9, 2015

Interactive Media Art

This is my final for the Aesop's Fable. BTW, "interactive media" includes books. Imagine. Anyway, there's more of a description of the project in an earlier post.

Environment & Asset Building

We created a 2 point perspective drawing of a staircase, then created a second drawing using that. Getting the first drawing correct nearly killed me. It felt like math class all over again.

Interactive Media Art

Aesop's Fable Project

We are creating two anthropomorphic characters for a retelling of an Aesop's fable of our choice. I'm developing a cookie and a squash. I've chosen "The Pig and the Sheep", the moral of which is: "It's easy to be brave when you're safe."

Life Drawing

A couple of shorter poses.

Life Drawing

We keep a sketch book and draw in it for at least 30 min per week. I get mine done by drawing the other passengers on the bus ride to school.

Interpretive Illustration

I know, she's been abused in this way before.  We had to imagine an ad campaign, and then create an image for it using a famous painting, and come up with 3 tag lines.  Mine was for a cream meant to reduce fine wrinkles on the face, in particular around the mouth.  

Keep the timeless beauty of your smile.

Interpretive Illustration

We were given pre-existing cartoons (by the great MAD magazine artist Sergio Aragoneso) and had to come up with and draw the last panel for each one. This is my favourite example:  I drew the scuba diving cat. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Interpretive Illustration

We were to find a photograph of a common item, draw it, then re-draw it using a cubist approach.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Interpretive Illustration

We practiced using brushes in Photoshop to change the mood of Matisse's original drawing.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Interpretive Illustration

We were to use a photograph to create a celebrity caricature. Mine were on the subtle side, to say the least. More of a portrait of the artist as an old man than a caricature. I admit that I am not much a fan of the genre.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Interpretive Illustration

We had to create these in class. It was the first class, I'd never drawn in pubic like that before, I'd never used a tablet to draw with or Photoshop 6 (we have 4 at home.)  Man, I felt like I was drawing with my left hand.  What an AWFUL experience.